Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lunar New Year Begins

Satori, co-anchor astrologer from ElsaElsa has been serving such rich daily readings. She's a Pisces Sun and perhaps the heavily occupied sky in her sun-sign magnifies her insight more than ever. What ever is doing it for her, I am grateful for the poetry and the expressions. Satori has this to say about the heavens for Monday, February 11, 2013, the start of the Lunar New Year.

"...  Feelings follow perceptions stimulated by the root of ingrained damage originating from childhood experience. This can be experienced as emotional pain and there may be the urge to act out or communicate this pain in a diffuse way. The high road here is to connect this to the self in a conscious way, to recognize its healing connection to the overall human condition. You’re not alone...
Read more

Earlier today I was making a batch of cookies. They're small almond flour cookies I've named "Thumbelinas" in honor of the tiny beautiful one of the same name from the fairy tale written by Hans Christian Anderson. Feeling those 'ingrained damages" Satori writes about, I thought how I could make something wonderful to sell. Something to turn into money! First, I climbed into bed and tried to get lost in the new book Pete and I are reading. But that didn't do it, or maybe it did. I could not wallow. Instead I thought about what it might take to make Thumbelina's to sell. A toaster oven tray filled with beautifully toasted Thumbelinas was ready in less than an hour. The cost for making these mighty mite treats may be prohibitive. At retail cost for the ingredients I'd have to charge at least $1.75 to make money on them. They're delicious and rich! You really only need to eat one of them to satisfy. But two? Easily.

I served Pete chicken and squash stew and Thumbelinas for a late lunch. He loved them both. I asked him, "Would you pay $1.75 for a beautiful sweet thumbprint cookie made from almonds, coconut oil and no sugar?"

He said, "Wow." This man is THE cookie monster of South Whidbey, and he's the man who would buy all my cookies, any day. But that doesn't exactly give me with (as in our joint resources) the money I was asking for. It's a two bite cookie, and I think it's worth the price. My New Moon wish, and New Year commitment is to look at money in a different way. I'm working with that, and working on those cookies, too. Satori's got me thinking:

"What matters now is not how we’ve hurt or been hurt, but what we will do with it NOW. How can we use this to maintain and build our place in the world, to do our part. Mars squares Jupiter which trines Venus. Mars sextiles Pluto. Go deeper. Create value."
Would you pay $1.75 for a really, really good cookie? Or $20 for a dozen and the storyteller comes to your house to tell the story of Thumbelina?

1 comment:

Speak from the heart