Ho'oponopono ... to adjust
Ho'oma`a ... to adapt
Source: Ulukau
Almost forty years ago I boarded a plane at the Honolulu International Airport, heading for Seattle. I was a newly married woman leaving the islands, the valley and the culture and the ways of being on the Planet familiar to me thus far. This was summer, 1971 and this wahine was in for a major re-tooling at so many different levels. 1971 was the calm or the pre-renassaince era of cultural awakening. The plane was taking me kela (over there) and the action of re-discovery would begin on the islands of the Pacific shortly after that. My destiny was cast at birth, astrologically, Venus was in the sign of Sagittarius when I was pulled from the womb (a C-section; I was really not ready yet ... auwe!) and Jupiter sat close by, conjunct Venus, in the 10th house. I would auana (wander and travel). There were signs of the seeker in my chart and in my genes.
My decades of life in the Pacific Northwest at that point were years spent in a very haole world. My son and I were singular in our brownness and at that time my choice whether conscious or not, was to ho'oma'a (to adapt). Leaving O`ahu, Kuli`ou`ou Valley and the history that I felt (at the time) confined me to a mold too tight and unyielding, I believed it right to become something or someone else. In the definition of things, to ho'oma'a is to adapt ... as in to become something else in order to survive or acculturate. The place that was my Pacific Northwest home allowed such incredibly pristine new realities. It was country-living perched on a high bank overlooking Puget Sound. Puget Sound = ocean to me even though it was not really ocean, it was big water and that was close enough. In many ways, I grew up in the Pacific Northwest; grew to become an adult with successes in the material and working-girl world. The culture of the times valued these successes and I was affirmed. My hapa-haole son grew up in a place that would provide him a base that seems to suit his Libra Sun and Gemini Moon. He is comfortable with foundation and yet his Gemini Moon seeks.