Thursday, May 26, 2011

Malama I Ka Ha ... the next Kaulana Mahina Workshop, starts May 31st

The practice of 'malama' is the underlying theme of story-telling for the workshops that we began in April.  I've called them Count on the Moon Workshops because they are just that: a way to gather and pay attention to the regular and cyclical nature of Mahina's thirty phase journey around our Earthly planet.  This up-coming workshop is the third monthly study group, focused on caring for the breath, malama i ka ha.  A small group has begun to paddle the wa'a kaulua into exploring the intuitive nature of Mahina.  When we began the workshop, the inspiration to share Kaulana Mahina came from the saving grace of the seven 'Ole Moons of rest-recoup-realignment.  Personally, Pete and I found the gentle yet powerful cradle of the 'Ole Moons much like any one finds grace during the chaos of loss.  We began new lives through our reconnection with Mahina, and each month since these workshops began, we learn more.

The Hawaiian month is also named 'Malama' so in the kaona (multiple meaning) of words, each workshop is a study of malama, caring.  The study is organic, and grows from the personal experiences of the phases; coming to know each month with care, we feel Mahina's effects not only on what we plant, or harvest, but feel Mahina's influence in our selves.  June is a month of attending to and caring for the breath.  Without breath/ha there is no life.  AloHA.  I see the breath of life in you. 

We would like to widen our service to our followers, so invite those of you who have visited and read Makua O'o over the while.  This month we've simplified registration, the workshop will be available for $20.  You can begin the Kaulana Mahina study with this workshop at the $20 price, and if in the future you choose to study previous workshops, they will be available at $20 per workshop.

A preview of the Malama I Ka Ha Workshop will be available soon.  We hope you'll feel moved to jump in and feel the heartbeat of Kaulana Mahina The Hawaiian Moon Calendar, and make time to breathe deeply during this June workshop.

To register for the Malama I Ka Ha Workshop

email ssvardoATgmailDOTcom 

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