Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pain (Saturn) for nothing?

My favorite astrologer has a timely set of questions to mull over in the next few days. Elsa writes, "...If you’ve not seen any magic lately or if you’ve forgotten how to cultivate it in your life, here are some ideas…" She's writing about the astrological timing and direction of the planet Saturn (task-master) in the sign of Scorpio(deep water). In a few days (July 20, 2014) Saturn moves forward/direct after appearing to be moving backward repeating and reviewing any and all of the hard issues/relationships/secrets we human beings are tasked to mend-amend-release. I read Elsa's post and left a comment to applaud her advice and her timing. In essence, I said 'I'm in!" ... I get what the mulling questions lead to and approach those answers with my study of The Eight Gates of Wisdom, described in Angeles Arrien's book The Second Half of Life (click here to read my post "Growing the Rituals of Elderhood").

This snippet from the "Introduction" of the book tells me, "Each gate chapter opens with an image of hands and ends with an image of fee--both symbols of the process of entering and leaving the gate. Every initiation or transition has the potential to expand our love, to teach us more about giving and receiving, and to manifest more balance and creativity in our lives--all concepts that are embodied by the hands and feet. They symbolize the power to love, create, move, or change..." That study time begins next Monday, July 14, 2014. I've set up a private on-line study space where I, and any other elder-in-training might want to exchange discoveries or questions.

Incredibly beautiful connections are being made in my life as a result of the harsh and painful experiences of death ... re-birth and transformation? I think so. The process is life. The people who show up to be present to clean things, issues and resentments are unexpected relations. Pushing on the boundaries and borders is what's going on. In the not too distant future (2015) Neptune will dissolve borders in big ways. Elders, wise and integrated with life experiences will be needed to man the life boats on both sides of the gate between the living and the dead. Sound eerie and witch-crafty? No, just look at the dissolution of the borders in North America for real-time collective examples. Personally, my life as makua o'o is a lifetime affair with basic tools, common magic and a constant reminder to be willing to change. I hold fast as a Scorpio, but at the same time know the depth of the deep sea is mysterious, unknown territory. Sometimes I cry from the pain. The salty tears connect with all birth.

"Don't be afraid to cry. It will free yourself of sorrowful thoughts."
-Native American Proverb

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