Sunday, May 17, 2015

New Moon in Taurus (today, tonight), May 17-18, 2015 ... Big Growth, New Beginnings

The New Moon in Taurus is blessing us with all kinds of growth. In the woods around us, these shoots of Bracken ferns starting in a small way (March 11, 2015) 

are now nearly six feet tall ...

The season of big growth comes with radical and riotous pollen season. I am one of those who collects the pollen, and must learn through experience, trial, and error what I can do to make peace with Nature wanting, and needing, to grow. Climate change, and global warning has been pointed to as a 'reason' for such long and intense pollens. Washington State is officially declared 'in drought.'

While I weather the storm of pollens from my tiny shelters, I muster the energy necessary to root myself in practices that respect my sensitivities, and concoct toxic-free remedies. My ears are plugged with cotton balls to keep warm olive oil, garlic pressed through a sieve, and dried 'olena (turmeric) sent to me from Kalihi Valley on O'ahu (my grandmother's birth place).

The two month waiting period that limits my ventures out of the woods, tests my patience and my practice as makua o'o (elder in training). A lifetime's journey. I dig in around here, and it's the inner journeys that occupy my time. Time curves, just as the moon fills, flows, pauses, empties ... kaulana (cycles) mahina (the moon). The cotton balls in my ears create a baffle to hearing what Pete says to me, but, I can hear myself very clearly. Funny. Anyway, Last night as Pete was penciling entries and shapes of the moon into his journal we had this conversation.

"How has living with the moon calendar affected your life?" I asked.

Pete didn't hesitate much in answering. "I notice that the moon's light balances everything else. The sun is not everything. When the moon is in her second, ana ... he hesitated with the pronunciation.

"Anahulu," I said.

"Anahulu (10-day/night Hawaiian calendar week)," Pete repeated. "The forest is lit up at night. [Life] is not just about what the sun does."

Then Pete asked me the same question, "How has living with the moon calendar affected your life?"

"It's the 'ole phases that make the most difference for me. The phases that make me slow down and consider whether my actions are going in the right (pono/harmonious) direction...."

"They (the 'ole phases) have become part of everything we do or don't do." Pete added.

Living with moon time, life changes. Governed as we have been in our beliefs about time, the return to Moon time is slowly and steadily make a new coral reef upon while we gain steadily, until we become firmly established.

The New Moon in Taurus tonight is a time for setting intentions, and feeding that intentions with action. Read here for our intention for this MUKU nei. 

And lastly, a 5 minute energy routine from Donna Eden that I re-started this morning. Another good intention ... clear and clean the collective pollens with something re-newed; practice good health practices.

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