Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Hawaiians are notoriously adaptive"

The quote used to entitle this post comes from a TEDx presentation "Hawaii's Legacy of Literary" given by Puakea Nogelmeir, Hawaiian scholar and teacher of the Hawaiian language. Today is 'Ole Kukahi, the first of the three phases of the Hawaiian Moon Calendar where review, rest, restoration (along with weeding, repairing and editing) are worthy practices. I've done a little weeding, and yesterday pruned back my wildly advancing raspberries so the scarlet runner beans can get more sun. A wheel barrel is filled with weeds, and my hair is freshly washed and drying because it is a beautiful summer day in the Pacific Northwest. I have a story and a printed version of it in the making. The words are more finely tuned through editing, and now I have to learn to format it using new software. The story and book is a completely one-woman show ... I have a lot to learn, and every day I learn how my kupuna with their legacy of literary have been helping me all the way along. When I think I can't ... they come and show me how it was done before. And I keep at it.

Listening to Puakea speak, and seeing the mountain of literary described in his presentations restores my energy. I need that. The layers of meaning that comes from a simple story is what excites me, though I wonder who will get the many meanings? Patiently, and sometimes not so patiently, I write the story and take the medicine that is a flow of consciousness ... the words don't rhyme but the meanings are metaphoric and literal and then I find more meaning because the rubble of hidden treasure is busting open. Here. There. A pin folding one end of the meaning to the sentence hungry for connection. 

It's an 'ole moon and rest brings restoration. Listen to the treasure of the notoriously adaptive Hawaiians.

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