Wednesday, May 18, 2011


One of the things that has added fun to life is playing ukulele.  We left Everett more than a year ago, and one of the gifts that came with us is an old soprano ukulele.  Slowly, I began plucking at the strings.  Slowly, I added whistling with the plucking.  I knew three chords:  C major, C7 and F.  My tentative strumming warmed me up, stirred things long asleep.  Three chords, whistles and melodies from the somewheres just wanted to play!  A year later, I play a few more chords, whistle and sing to my kitty, my Pete and the hundreds of trees that are my favorite company. 

People around our community are asking, "Do you play (ukulele)?"  I've said, "Yes, and I sing, too."  Last fall my son was visiting and he said, "Mom, I didn't know you could sing?"  So many parts of a person wait.  And then, time comes when the waiting parts say, "Now, for something completely different."  I'm humming, whistling and practicing the song E KU'U MORNING DEW, written by Larry Kimura and Eddie Kamae.  My friend Lizzie is practicing that song too, on her baritone ukulele.  Someday the two of us will be in the same place with our ukulele and then watch out.  Led Kaapana's rendition is inspiration, and pure enjoyment for me.  Hope you enjoy it, too. 

Do you play?


  1. Hi, it's Liz....Thank you for posting Morning Dew...I was struck by the April post of the video interview of..????the wonderful elderly gentleman who said, among many important things, what I found the most important of all....about the ukelele, that it is not the notes of the music played, but the Hawaiian words, that make it which I add, as he may have intended, that it is that Hawaiian thoughts are what make Hawaiian...I can never think Hawaiian, except as a guest, however I cherish the thoughts and way of thinking and motives and heart behind the thinking of Hawaiians and, indeed, all the first peoples, who have remembered who they are and stand ready to help the rest of us to do so....So it is not incidental that Mokihana is focusing first on the words that inform the melody..........great to se and hear it played at speed, as I am still limping through it so slowly, which I still love....Liz

  2. Lizzie!

    I have just found your comment (it's Tuesday, and 'Ole Pau ... final day of rest and review). That interview was with Sam Ka'ai, and I will refresh myself of your reference because of this comment. My heart is full from your understanding and this feeling is what endears you to me ... oh dear friend. The meaning is in the words and yet, the words are lost if only the sound catches your attention.

    These 'Ole Moons give me more heart medicine, more attuning to the meaning and music is more than words, so Ledward making music to our song, E Ku'u Morning Dew is homeopathic, and especially useful it you're vibing with it.

    I'm still learning the chords, singing and whistling the melody, and loving the mana'o even when the chords are not quite there!

    Thanks so much for this comment, Lizzie

    A hui hou,



Speak from the heart