Monday, November 25, 2013

New Moon in Sagittarius, December 2, 2013

"The new moon in Sagittarius takes place on December 2nd at 11 degrees. It comes just in time to give people hope. If you already have hope, your hope will be reinforced. This is a very positive new moon... -read the whole post at ElsaElsa for thoughts about the new moon in the Houses
This new moon in Sagittarius will be in my 11th house. "New Moon in the 11th house – Give to friends and make some new ones," suggests my astrologer. I've been given the start of a new year, that in many peoples' eyes, especially those who have rebuilding, relearning, and restoring themselves after experiencing loss or as I've come to call it a personal typhoon. Relating to that sort of water-born devastation, the wounds are fresh. Typhoon Haiyan is no accident. What I can do about that typhoon does start with recognizing how one wound affects all. My astrologer Elsa P. is offering me an opportunity to recognize the hope that comes after wounding(s). The hope I feel during my freshly begun new year I put down in the Route 66 posts that have begun here. The energy of the Sagittarius New Moon coming up helps to transform the episodes of wounding when I try to step into spaces that are unsafe for me: try as I might to push on the borders of "safe" some things, some situations are still 'no goes.' Pete and I had one of those situations yesterday. It threw us for a toxic loop. We fell back into the anger-loss-wounded place.

Where's the hope?

Gratefully it comes with time and an informed knowing. Today I see how to apply the energy of the feminine, the moon energy of Sagittarius. There are friends (old and new) that could be made by generously giving what I authentically have. My long-time readers and family know that my blogging life began with the blog VARDO FOR TWO. I closed that blog to the public in 2011. I've reopened it with a new attitude based on my awareness that some good can come by sharing the story of building a two-wheeled Gypsy-style home. We built it with hope. Today we live in it and thrive because I've found a recipe for weaving magic and myth into stories that transcend obstacles. I need these stories, and they come. I write them down, and hope grows. These are mythic times believe it or not.Vardo For Two my first blog is reopened continuing with "Stories Five Years Later ... life on the borders where myth-making and magic are the remedy". Link to VardoForTwo. 
(the link works now, thanks jt!)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Shelterbox ... Haiyan relief for Filipino Families

For as much as I write about and am "a Hawaiian woman", Calizar is a Filipino name. My father David Calizar Sr. immigrated to the Hawaiian Islands as a boy. Our families in the Philippines are unknown to me, but Typhoon Haiyan and the devastation and loss has created a personal typhoon for me. I feel the loss. My friend Joan does Facebook, she introduced me to Shelterbox today. I spread the word here, and hope I am able to help reach the Calizars I don't know through this post and reconnect with my family in the Philippines. Another friend Drew wrote to me yesterday when I said I was having a personal typhoon, "Your attitude is your surfboard!" You're right Drew.

Help with any amount you can with Typhoon Haiyan disaster relief by filling a Shelterbox.
Thank you,

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

"Langley looks to the sea"

The fairy pinks still bright on a sunny day.
Tall and broad capped forest once-brilliant flowers whose names I don't know ... like the Ancient Ones that stand around me in the woods. I love the way they hold themselves in bends.
Pineapple woods!
Camelia still blooming
Ivy climbs
Mossy paths for bitty creatures who love the shade more than the sun
These yellow berries like tiny crab apples
And in the sky and across the water Kulshan plays peekaboo over the ridge line of Camano Island.

Yesterday in between putting the finishing touches to our newly opened 5 and Dime Store, I took myself on an Artist's Date while the winter sun was bright and cheery. No longer fall, the temperature was in the 30's and I dressed for the season with layers of warmth and color. My faithful old boots and eyes childlike (though perhaps a bit crinkly) and on the look-out for magic found a well-worn walking path. With colors in place and my camera eager for the adventure we did have a magical time! I'm loving this Route 66.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The week ahead:JACKPOT! next stop of my personal Route 66

"Wednesday and Thursday, we have a grand trine in the water signs. The Moon and Jupiter in Cancer are part of this - it's quite upbeat. Many will feel (Moon) hopeful (Jupiter). Optimism can go a long way! This is great for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The earth signs will benefit too, but there's also great news for Virgo, Gemini and other thinkers out there. Next Monday, Mercury will conjunct Saturn in Scorpio.  It's possible you get some scary news, but I doubt it. The conjunction is incredibly well aspected, receiving support from the Moon, Venus, Mars, Chiron Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto.

I don't see how a person can complain about a situation like this. People willing to think deeply about the hard stuff are likely to hit the jackpot.

I mention this early so you can set your eye on the horizon and snag the prize that I know is out there. Why waste an opportunity" - from ElsaElsa's Newsletter (click on the link to sign up for it)

Astrology seems to be the hot button for my regular readers here, and my favorite source for sky navigation is Elsa Panizzon author and creator of I consult her regularly and have ever since Pete and I began our lives as Sam and Sally. Elsa's taking a break from her near-constant blogging until the end of the year but she is sending out her newsletter once a week so I opened up my email and found the scoop I've quoted above.

Together Pete and I are Cancer and Scorpio (sun signs). "Many will feel (Moon) hopeful (Jupiter). Optimism can go a long way! This is great for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces." This is particularly good news for us. We can use the optimism as much as a dose of Vitamin D at just the right time. With less sun (a frequent occasion in the woods of the Pacific Northwest) optimism in all forms is the sort of infusion we welcome. Pete is off for his morning of volunteering at The Food Bank. On his way out the door he looked over my shoulder as I read my Elsa newsletter, "Alright, we're gonna hit the jackpot," he cheered. He has to speak a lot louder this week. Ear wax! I am learning to appreciate what hard-of-hearing means. It's not a new experience, but it feels like a deeper learning is happening with this episode. From head to toe life as Sam and Sally is a life of healing from the wounds that are inflicted from the outside as well as those I inflict upon myself. (When a gal has ear wax and can hear only what is going on inside her, it's a formidable jackpot! The ringing and the sounds are all mine.)
Onward from the ear wax ...

Here's the jackpot potential: I wrote this to describe our lives six birthdays ago. "By the time our friends joined the small birthday celebrators for food and drink our brave Sam and Sal were living in their car as a last solution. Safe places alluded and offending smells had become life-threatening poisonous apples."
Since then Earth has revolved and rotated and Sam and Sally have safety pinned themselves to places and people who offer jackpot after jackpot of joy. The life-threatening poisonous apple disease still persists; many people still love Monsanto and refuse to make different decisions about tending to and living with 'weeds.' I, can do very little to make Monsanto change. But, my life? My life rings with potential to be fully present (ear wax or not) and I have a partner who cares fervently ... that's the Cancer sun for you. What I do with what we learned since Sam and Sally lived in the car becomes the daily experience of magic and myth-making and the creation of stories like "The Safety Pin Cafe" where protocol and respect for all places and creators is the practice. From the Introduction of that medicine story, is this:

"We cross borders without regard, ignorant or arrogant of the protocol native to the transitional spaces that take us from this place to that place. Traditions remembered and practiced would maintain and pass along the right things to do, at the right time, and in the right frame of mind. Have we all become wanderers with passports unstamped with the memory of teachings from the Ancestors and Nature? There are rituals to remember and common magic to induce respect for the beings and places that share this planet.

Funny how Nature and Those-Who-Watch time the magic and adjustments for setting things right."
Turning wounds and amputations into a body and life that sees JACKPOT on the next exit is just the sort of journey I have begun. The personal Route 66 is one that conjures up magic within the frame of my reality. Like Elsa wrote in her newsletter, "People willing to think deeply about the hard stuff are likely to hit the jackpot." What a life!

Can you spot your jackpot?


Saturday, November 16, 2013

The start of Route 66

 Mahina was bright and full enough to wake me early for the start of my 66th year, The Year of Joy Riding on my personal Route 66.
 I mixed up a small batch of gluten-free/oatmeal and banana pancakes, drizzled with coconut oil and lili'ko'i syrup, drank some young coconut water and felt the Gypsy queen in our little Quonset.
 Once filled with food, and changed into birthday clothes Pete was my driver for this first of joy-rides on Route 66. Phone calls began with greetings in 'olelo Hawaii, "Hauoli La Hanau, Mom." Could it get any better.  It did, and I relished in it, answering the cellphone for other birthday wishes and visiting friends along the way. We headed for one of our treasure of beaches that faces the open ocean and Hawaii, Libby Beach on the west side of Whidbey Island. The tide was full and the waves busy.

 Pete called our son back to leave him a voice message of the waves coming in over the pohaku (rocks) on the shore.
 I chanted to the akua of air and water, sending my voice to Hawaii. E Ho Mai. What I am to know, let it be known to me.
 On the way back we stopped to visit the Madrone along the road at Deception Pass

 and were blessed with cleared skies and a sunset as electric and orange as my birthday card.
It has been a day of Joy, Luck, no Cake ... but lots of Joy and Luck. I have a prize of birthday apple pie waiting for me at another friend's home. What a lucky ole gal I am to be blessed with such gifts. Mahalo Laurence for the sweet camera that is taking all these photos.

Thank you all!!!!xoxo

What fun!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Saturn conjuncts Sun (in Scorpio): consolidate and refine

Both astrologers Elsa and Satori, on my favorite blog point to what I'm feeling this week. The theme and feel is to consolidate and refine what and where I use the energy (power) I have. It's a collective theme, and an opportunity to recognize how best to weather the powerful shift both of seasons (deepening winter) and cycles (Saturn in Scorpio). Satori writes,"Wednesday morning the Scorpio Sun conjuncts Saturn exact. Together they sextile Mars and apply into trine with Jupiter. This is a great time to assess where you are in your current goals and work on organizing and shoring up your course of action..." Elsa asks:  Are you consolidating (Saturn) and redirecting your life energy (Sun) at this time? I left this comment on Elsa's blog "Yes Elsa. I spent the last couple of days assessing and feeling the reality of how much energy I have to spread around. I’m an aging gypsy with no less imagination, but a lot less energy. What I can do is sort and hold on to the things/people/stories of value. I do have energy for that."

In years passed, and not too many years either, we would be packing up and boarding a plane headed west across the ocean for Hawaii. Like the kolea the Golden Plover, we wintered in warm weather. Back and forth, back and forth. The migratory instinct was (and still is) strong in me. I feel it as strongly now as I have always felt it. But the truth of things is we have neither financial nor physical energy to pack up and make that west-bound journey. Saturn (time) is telling me: not now, not that way! Rather than expend the energy to fuel that gypsy instinct I am attending to the sort and consolidate process of cleaning up the writings I have done over the last six years: thousands of words, dozens of stories and a cafe (virtual turned physical) newly opened. I turn 66 in ten days and value my energy to imagine more fully now than ever! That is a very good sign; the fire still burns in my belly and I know I'm still alive and capable of journeying.

How does a rooted gypsy continue to journey without traveling? If you are one of the rooted gypsies how do you do it?